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Sickness & Absence Management

Where an employee has been absent for a significant period or for repeated short periods or there is a concern that a medical issue is impairing the employee’s ability to work, you, as an employer, may need support to manage the situation in a fair and consistent manner.

Simplifying Absence Management

Why Choose TAC Healthcare?

HR and Management Alignment

A light purple symbol of two people in a dark purple circular border

Facilitating seamless interaction between HR and management, fostering mutual understanding and alignment of goals.

Comprehensive Reporting Process

A light purple tick bullet point list symbol in a dark purple circular border

Our service includes a thorough and efficient reporting process that allows for accurate tracking of employee absences.

Data Backed Decision Making

A light purple upward trend bar and line graph symbol in a dark purple circular border

We provide analytical tools and resources that help you to monitor, analyse, and make data-driven decisions.

Effective Early Intervention in Occupational Health

Research has demonstrated that early intervention to provide support at the first signs of a health problem, before it becomes more serious, reduced the duration and associated costs of long-term sickness absence. Early intervention can return considerable cost savings if the company adopts the methodology.

Our occupational health team will work closely with HR departments and managers to effectively manage and report on their sickness absence process. The Occupational Physician acts as interpreter of the medical information, putting it into temporal and functional terms allowing the Manager or HR to make appropriate decisions.

It is essential to allow for appropriate case discussion and management with the aim of risk reduction, return to work (with appropriate adjustments if needed) and a reduction in overall absence. TAC maintains a Transparent Privacy Notice that clearly identifies the lawful basis for processing data and is provided to each person as part of our consent process. Additionally, TAC is regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS), the Care Quality Commission and NHS Digital. TAC has achieved ISO 27001 which requires an external audit of our Information Security Management System each year.

Learn More About Our Occupational Health Services

At TAC Healthcare, we deliver tailored health and wellbeing solutions across diverse UK industries. Our comprehensive suite of services include absence management, health screenings, support for drug and alcohol issues among many other specialties services, designed to keep your workforce safe and well.

Find out about our full range of services and how they can benefit your business.

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