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Occupational Travel Health Services

Our Travel Health specialists are Members of the Faculty of Travel Medicine of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow (MFTM). Cumulatively the team have over 20 years’ experience in supporting our corporate and private travellers.

Travel Health Specialists

Why Choose TAC Healthcare ?

Expert Travel Guidance and Advice

A purple outline of an identification badge bordered by a dark purple circle

Gain invaluable insights and expert recommendations to ensure your health and wellbeing during your next trip.

Pre and Post Travel Screening

A light purple male gender symbol with a magnifying glass overlayed in the bottom right. Contained in a dark purple circular border

Prioritise your safety with comprehensive health screenings before and after your travels, providing you peace of mind.

Access to Relevant Vaccinations

A light purple needle and vial symbol with a dark purple circular border

Safeguard your health by accessing a wide range of relevant vaccinations tailored to your specific travel needs and destinations.

Using the Latest and Most Up To Date Travel Advice

We utilise TRAVAX which is an interactive NHS website providing up to date health information for UK health care professionals, it provides current advice about avoiding illness and staying healthy when travelling abroad, this ensures that we are providing the latest healthcare at the time of the consultation.

TRAVAX provides traveller advice sheets which are specifically written for the general public, so are clear, concise and easily understood. TRAVAX is maintained and continually updated by the Travel and International Health Team of Public Health Scotland (PHS).

Learn More About Our Occupational Health Services

At TAC Healthcare, we deliver tailored health and wellbeing solutions across diverse UK industries. Our comprehensive suite of services include absence management, health screenings, support for drug and alcohol issues among many other specialties services, designed to keep your workforce safe and well.

Find out about our full range of services and how they can benefit your business.

Discover Our Locations Across The UK

Supported by Our Mobile Fleet and a Partnership Approach Utilising Available On-site Rooms.