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24/7 Expert Topside Medical Support

TAC currently provides our clients with 24/7 Topside Services, our team can manage multiple cases at any one time. All topside duty doctors have comprehensive knowledge of the Energy Industry, both locally in the UK and globally. The team has extensive remote medical management experience to call upon, thus providing their clients with a wealth of ability to cover and assist all offshore operation emergencies requirements.

Always Within Reach

About Our Topside / Duty Doctors

The Topside service is provided by a team of 15 doctors with experience gained through many years of providing Topside support, conducting OEUK medicals and medevac appointments in clinic. Our doctors often act as Medical Advisors to the Energy Industry and have broad clinical backgrounds including general practice, general medicine, and emergency medicine. They also have experience of telephone triage as well as helicopter / aeroplane retrieval services.

Our team of A&E consultants, GPs and remote medicine emergency specialist physicians achieve this via the dedicated in-house team based in the UK. With a strong focus on prevention, we can support your business providing informed, appropriate treatment pathways assisting you in reducing the need for unnecessary disembarkations.

Service and Associated Support

Our Topside doctors are familiar in liaising with HM Coastguard to initiate SAR proceedings and will follow up with the accepting NHS hospital to ensure a smooth handover. We have excellent relationships with many NHS facilities. At all times, we will ensure that the offshore medic, company, and any other authorised interested parties are kept fully up to date on any arrangements made or assistance provided in a timely manner.

The service is supported by:
✅ 24-hour Topside Support Service – three Doctors on call at all times
✅ 24-hour Duty Manager Support Service
✅ Coordination of access to specialist and hospital resources as appropriate
✅ Counselling Team and Trauma Specialists available onshore and available to mobilise offshore

Medevac Medical Reception  


Depending on the medical condition of the individual, offshore medical evacuations are classed as Routine or Emergency Medical. Where the medevac is deemed routine by the topside doctors, and the individual can wear a survival suit to mobilise, they will be transported back via the duty holders helicopter provider.

Before departing the medic will advise the individual that they are required to attend an appointment with TAC Healthcare at the Forest Grove House facility, the facility can receive patients both within working hours and out of hours, our duty manager team will support accordingly. The duty holder will arrange for the individual to be met at the airport and will provide a chaperone them to the appointment with the doctor who will assess the individual and advise them of their onward care this may be:

✅ Travel home, make an appointment with your GP
✅ Go to A&E for further assessment
✅ Stay in Aberdeen as you will require further assessment
✅ Admitted to an appropriate clinical facility

The duty holder representative will always accompany the individual and arrange suitable onward care/travel arrangements post the medical review at Forest Grove House.

Out with Aberdeen

Where the medical reception is mobilised to a location other than Aberdeen, the topside doctors will manage this with the duty holder focal points. TAC can provide as an additional service with one of our partner companies a meet and greet service for other locations in the UK. For further information on this please contact business.development@tachealthcare.com

Post Medevac Care

TAC Healthcare’s wider clinical capability has the ability to provide companies with Private Healthcare appointments, these can be made directly with TAC and can be paid for via PO or Private Medical Insurance.

Med Dive


These services are provided by a team of experienced doctors trained to DMAC level 1 and 2D and with experience in both air and saturation diving medical emergency management. Clinical supervision, oversight and governance of the team is provided by a DMAC member with over 35 years of clinical diving and hyperbaric medicine experience and industry exposure.  

This Diving Medical Management Solution comprises three elements:

✅ An emergency telephone service.
✅ An information and advisory service.
✅ A call off service to support for specific incidents.

Service Overview

We understand that companies undertaking diving operations in the offshore energy industry face a complex working environment. Our Med Dive service provides our clients with an experienced repository of clinical care that can be called on at anytime, these services encompass:

✅ Access to a diving medical specialist as required under IMCA D 014.
✅ A nominated Diving Medical Advisor to provide support advice on medical management.
✅ Access to a Diving Emergency Service allowing 24/7 access for remote diving medical advice, covering primary and emergency care.
✅ Medical solutions to meet with industry and country regulatory compliance and management.
✅ Timely and quality medical advice.
✅ An integrated emergency medical response solution in case of medical emergency to include diving and non-diving-based incidents, involving relevant health services for specialist support as required.
✅ Understanding the complex medical issues that can arise in the diving space and help to mitigate these complexities through both non-emergency diving medical advice and diving medical emergencies.

The Diving Support Services are provided by two Doctors on a rota at any one time, both suitable and experienced to provide the relevant advice. The service will provide clinical support to Diving Supervisors / Diving Superintendents of the diving project and to their Diver Medic Technicians.

This support allows our clients to meet its regulatory requirements under IMCA D014 and the Health and Safety Executive (UK) Diving at Work Regulations 1997 (Approved Code of Practice).

Diving Incident Support

In case of a diving medical incident, our clients can also call on specific services to support the patient and dive team including mobilisation to the diving incident site. These services are subject to additional cost and are provided on a reasonable efforts basis where logistically possible and include the following:

✅ Assignment of a nominated Diving Medical Advisor available to work on the diving incident.
✅ Diving Medical Advisor will see the patient who has been medevac'd face to face following a diving incident (where hospital intervention is not required).
✅ Mobilise the Diving Medical Advisor to dive site for diving related medical requirements as requested for a diving incident.
✅ Diving Medical Advisor will participate in emergency exercises or remotely monitor drills of diving incidents.

Medical Standing Orders

Our Medic Standing Orders are a suite of processes and protocol document providing the Offshore Medic with the necessary clinical guidance to promote the best possible patient care and safety in a remote setting. The document provides clinical algorithms which simplify treatment, outlines the appropriate escalations – when to inform Topside, when to inform the client for any work-related injury/illness all under strict clinical governance. Our MSO’s fully comply with governing, industry and clinical guidance and regulations, providing current best practice focused on the delivery of safe, effective and evidence-based healthcare.  

All of our medics as part of the Clinical Governance Induction requires them to read the documents and then sign to confirm their understanding. This same process is followed for any updates that are made, the medics will be informed of the changes, ensuring they maintain familiarity with the MSO’s at all time.  

Learn More About Our Occupational Health Services

At TAC Healthcare, we deliver tailored health and wellbeing solutions across diverse UK industries. Our comprehensive suite of services include absence management, health screenings, support for drug and alcohol issues among many other specialties services, designed to keep your workforce safe and well.

Find out about our full range of services and how they can benefit your business.

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Supported by Our Mobile Fleet and a Partnership Approach Utilising Available On-site Rooms.