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Occupational Health Management Referrals

TAC Healthcare offers a structured occupational health referral process designed to support both employees and employers. Our clinical team provides initial consultations to ensure appropriate referrals, followed by thorough assessments by our qualified Occupational Health Advisors and Physicians.

One-stop Shop For Occupational Health

Accredited and Trusted Within the Occupational Healthcare Sector...

Blue SEQual accreditation logoBlue SEQOHS accreditation logoBlack bsi ISO9001 and ISO14001 certification logoAchilles FPAL member logoico. Information Commisioner's Office logoISCAS Independent Sector Complaints Adjudication Service logo
Fit 2 Fit RPE Fit Test Provider accreditation logoBlue, gold and white ACPOHE Physios for work and health accreditation logoCyber Essentials tick logorisqs accredited


Refer an employee and receive clear, concise, evidence-based guidance from our multi-disciplinary Occupational Health team on how to support their return to work after sickness absence or help them stay at work if they have a health condition.

Management Referral £350

Assessment and management consultation with one of our experienced occupational health physicians.

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Make a Management Referral

It is imperative that the information provided to the Occupational Health Physician is inclusive of all the required facts of the nominated employee. Please provide a definitive account regarding the reason for referral and any outcomes that you require to be addressed in the report.

Please ensure that the content of this referral has been fully discussed with the employee before issue to the occupational health provider. Any referral form becomes part of the Occupational Health medical records and under the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), can be made available to the employee at their request.

Official SOM Corporate Supporter for Workplace Wellbeing

Here at TAC Healthcare, we dedicate our efforts to 'Making Healthcare Better', constantly striving to elevate the standard of occupational health services across the UK. By working hand in hand with SOM, we are confident that our partnership will contribute to the betterment of occupational health practices and create a lasting impact on the wellbeing of workers.

What is an Occupational Health Referral?

An occupational health referral is a formal request made by an employer or manager for an employee to undergo an assessment or consultation with an occupational health professional. These referrals are typically made when an employee’s health condition affects their ability to perform their job duties effectively or when there are concerns about their.

Occupational health professionals, such as doctors, nurses, or occupational health physiotherapists, are specialists trained to evaluate how health conditions impact work performance and to provide recommendations to improve workplace health and safety.

Common Reasons for Management Referrals:

• Frequent short-term absences
• Absences related to mental health conditions
• Absences due to musculoskeletal disorders
• Reduced work performance due to health issues

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WM Donald have been working with the team at TAC for over a Year now and are extremely happy with our decision to engage in their OH services.The team are friendly, professional, approachable, adaptable.

The team at TAC plays a vital role in ensuring the WM Donald team are fit and well and offer a wide variety of services. From a personal and operations perspective having the mobile healthcare clinic means our medical’s can be completed on site making it less disruptive for our employee. I look forward to continuing this partnership in the future.
WM Donald Civil Engineering Contractors logo
HR Manager
A man in high vis, hard hat and safety glasses looking at designs on a piece of paper stood in an excavated site with other construction workers in the background

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