HSE Approved Offshore Medic Courses
Our course provides the Offshore Medic with the knowledge and clinical skills required to provide safe and effective health care for all personnel who become unwell or injured while on offshore installations.

Our course provides the Offshore Medic with the knowledge and clinical skills required to provide safe and effective health care for all personnel who become unwell or injured while on offshore installations.
TAC Healthcare’s (TAC) Health & Safety Executive (HSE) approved Offshore Medics Courses have been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Offshore Installations and Pipeline Works (First Aid) Regulations 1989 ACOP and current best clinical practise.
Our HSE Offshore Medic Courses are delivered at our bespoke training facility at Wellheads in Aberdeen. Our scenario based training is supported by medical simulation, realistic to the offshore working environment delivered in our mock sick bay facility here in Wellheads, will ensure that our medics are equipped with the relevant knowledge and practical skills to provide a comprehensive service to our client base.
Become a highly effective and competent offshore medic with our intensive course two week course.
The course will ensure that our medics are equipped with the relevant knowledge and practical skills to provide a comprehensive service to our client base.
Week One (3 Days)
✅ Clinical history - A structured approach
✅ Case based history taking scenarios - General medicine
✅ Practical skills- The ear: common complaints & otoscopy
✅ Penthrox – Uses & contraindications
✅ Clinical governance, record keeping, and data protection
✅ Medical emergencies – Sepsis & stroke
✅ Input from the police energy industry liaison unit (talk by Police Scotland)
✅ Coastguard - SAR and the medic (talk from HM Coastguard)
✅ MSK Theory
✅ Practical Skills - Urinary catheterisation
✅ Understanding change, resilience, and mental health (Talk from mental health professional)
✅ Disability - Head injury management
✅ Special Circumstances - Hypo/hyperthermia, burns
Week Two (5 Days)
In Person
✅ Airway management – NP OP Supraglottic and Surgical airway management
✅ Breathing Assessment - Tension Pneumothorax Flail Chest Haemothorax
✅ Respiratory OSCE Demo and practice
✅ Abdomen OSCE Demo and practice
✅ MSK practical
✅ Circulation – Catastrophic haemorrhage, blood on the floor and 4 more
✅ Haemostatics TXA and pressure bandages
✅ IV/IO access practical session
✅ Suturing
✅ Initial assessment of medical emergency incl. Diabetes Asthma Anaphylaxis MI GI bleed and Sepsis.
✅ ECG - Basics made easy
✅ Cardiac Rhythm disturbance & ACS
✅ Advanced Life Support skills Demo and practice
✅ Casualty Handling
✅ Triage
✅ Trauma Demo and practice
✅ Trauma assessment
✅ Course written paper
✅ OSCE assessments
✅ ALSS practical assessments
This course is mandatory for experienced Healthcare Professionals with 3 years post qualification experience who wish to become HSE Offshore Medics.
We welcome applications to attend from:
✅ NMC Registered Adult Nurses
✅ HCPC Registered Paramedics
✅ Military Medical Staff RN/RM Medical Assistants at LH/CPL or above
✅ Army CMT1 at CPL or above
✅ RAF Medical Assistants at CPL or above
In addition, this course is valuable CPD for healthcare professionals working in energy sectors.
When enquiring for a place on this course, you will need to provide proof of registration and your CV.
The course includes week one virtual teaching and week two in person and a two week clinical placement.
The course includes week one virtual teaching and week two in person teaching.
Start Dates 2024
Module 01: 21st October – 25th October
Module 02: 29th October – 31st October
Module 01: 18th November – 22nd November
Module 02: 25th November – 27th November
Module 01: 4th December – 6th December
Module 02: 9th December – 13th December
Module 01: 21st January – 23rd January
Module 02: 27th January – 31st January
Module 01: 11th March – 13th March
Module 02: 17th March – 21st March
Module 01: 22nd April – 24th April
Module 02: 28th April – 2nd May
Module 01: 3rd June – 5th June
Module 02: 9th June – 13th June
Module 01: 15th July – 17th July
Module 02: 21st July – 25th July
Module 01: 26th August – 28th August
Module 02: 1st September – 5th September