Physiotherapy and Sports Injury Clinic in Aberdeen
Transform your recovery journey with fast and flexible appointments with physiotherapy and sports medicine specialists. Same day, Evening and Weekend appointments available!

Transform your recovery journey with fast and flexible appointments with physiotherapy and sports medicine specialists. Same day, Evening and Weekend appointments available!
Our team are registered members of ACPOHE and competent in the fields of occupational health and ergonomics and collaborate with specialist medical teams, all under one roof. With the introduction of combined services like diagnostic ultrasound and radiological imaging, you’ll receive a seamless transition between specialties, ensuring the right diagnosis and a personalised treatment plan – getting you on the road to recovery.
We help athletes and regular people manage their joint pain and return to activities – weekend warrior or top-level athlete.
✅ Fit to Work Assessments
✅ Sports Injuries
✅ Pro and Post Operative Rehabilitation
✅ Muscle and Soft Tissue Injuries
✅ Back and Neck Pain
✅ Chronic Pain
✅ Osteoarthritis
and more...
Our treatment options include mobilisation and manipulation, sports rehabilitation, exercise therapy and injury prevention advice.
Our Physiotherapists will consider the body as a whole, rather than just focusing on the individual aspects of an injury or illness. Our approach will follow:
Physiotherapists can give general advice about things that can affect your daily lives, such as posture and correct lifting or carrying techniques to help prevent injuries.
Exercises may be recommended to improve your general health and mobility and to strengthen specific parts of your body post illness or injury.
Where the physiotherapist uses their hands to help relieve pain and stiffness, and to encourage better movement of the body to help with your recovery.
As part of our physiotherapy programmes we offer fast access to the latest in pain relief injections. Many people can benefit from this combined approach of injectables and physiotherapy exercise far more than a stand-alone treatment. Your therapist will take time to thoroughly assess your issues and review your medical status before discussing an rehabilitation programme in conjunction with an injectable treatment