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Quality and Clinical Governance

TAC Healthcare is committed to the highest standards of clinical governance and is managed in line with the corporate governance safeguards and commercial principles expected of a UK registered company.

The Board of TAC Healthcare ensures that the high standards expected by our staff, clients and patients are delivered and that the company is managed in accordance with the principles of corporate governance set out in the UK Corporate Governance Code published by the Financial Reporting Council in June 2010, and updated in September 2012 and September 2014.

The Board comprises of the Chairman, two independent Non-Executive Directors, together with the Clinical Director and our CEO.

Clinical Governance Committee
and Risk Management Group

Clinical excellence is central to all TAC Healthcare decisions and actions. The clinical governance committee reports directly to the Board and is responsible for ensuring that high standards of care are consistently delivered and that TAC Healthcare meets its statutory, legal and regulatory obligations in the management of the service.

The clinical governance committee and separate incident risk management group have oversight of incidents, risks and complaints as well as quality standards. Management teams and patient focus groups feed directly into these groups.

To improve clinical outcomes, safety and governance, there is a continual process of auditing TAC Healthcare activity and reporting to ensure that there is a constant drive towards improvement.

We have high expectations of staff in our aim to deliver the kind of care and treatment to our patients that we would hope to receive ourselves. All staff are recruited in-line with best practice and statutory requirements for reference and validation checks, competency and disclosures.

TAC Healthcare works with individual hospitals and trusts across the UK adhering to local policies and procedures to ensure seamless integration with existing services.

TAC Healthcare is also regulated by Healthcare Improvement Scotland (HIS).

Quality & Compliance

TAC Healthcare takes the quality of our service seriously and is committed to being open and transparent. This means we listen to patient and staff feedback, in our endeavour to continually improve the services we deliver. Our in-house Quality & Compliance Team independently audit our services to ensure we continue to meet quality and legislative standards to provide the BEST patient experience possible.

We welcome all feedback – please see our Patient Feedback information on how to get in touch.

Duty of Care

We understand that our Duty of Care is to ensure that we provide a service which encompasses individual well-being, welfare, compliance and good practice.

Our ethos is to ensure that everyone associated with our business is fully protected from any personal physical and/or emotional harm, either on the premises or when engaged in activities relating to our clients.

We aim to be an employer where everyone associated with us can see that their wellbeing is important, they feel valued, building trust, commitment, and job satisfaction. Allowing individuals to feel empowered to raise concerns about unsafe practices and to act on these. We fully believe that this approach allows all our staff to promote good practice, reduce risk, eliminate ignorance and create and sustain a safe environment.